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How to Become a Thriving Blockchain Community Manager?

Blockchain Community is a platform where people talk about the future of finance, applications, and possibilities of a decentralized world. It’s an online town square where people gather in a space filled with individuals passionate about Blockchain technology. If you think it’s fiction, then let me tell you, my friends, it’s not; it’s very accurate. In the middle of these connections and conversations stands the Blockchain community manager

Creativity wanders around at the speed of light here when we talk about Blockchain technology. Trust is the most valuable thing in this domain. If you are looking for a career in the Blockchain community, you should have the power to connect with people. A Blockchain community manager is not merely a social media admin posting forums and updates. Your job is to nurture a wonderful ecosystem where the community engages and flourishes. They stimulate communication and ultimately play an essential role within the Blockchain space.

What Does a Blockchain Manager Do?

We established that the Blockchain community manager is the conductor of a vibrant online orchestra. Now, let’s delve into the specific instruments they use to create harmony within the community.

1. Building The Stage: Cultivating Online Communities

A Blockchain community manager’s first act is establishing a welcoming space. This includes:

  1. Selecting the proper platform: One of the primary tasks of a Blockchain community manager is to Identify the forums and social media groups. Public groups are the spaces where your potential audiences gather, which helps in building a strong presence.
  2. Creating a United Online Personality: It involves developing a static brand voice and digital identity that speaks and resonates with your community members. This is a way to communicate your thoughts to the world, be customers, and make them feel valued. A cohesive identity is a shared sense of belonging that brings people together.

2. Setting the Tone: Engaging Content and Fostering Discussions

Once the Stage is set, the music begins. A community manager excels at:

  1. Content Creation: Crafting informative blog posts, social media content, or video tutorials that educate and engage the community on blockchain topics.
  2. Sparking Conversations: Formulating thought-provoking questions and actively participating in discussions to keep the community buzzing.

3. Orchestrating Communication: Events and Team Mediator

A successful community manager understands the importance of fostering connections beyond online spaces. They:

  1. Set Up Events: The community manager plans online and offline meetings, events, webinars, and hackathons to use in-depth interaction within the community.
  2. Close the Gap: Act as a mediator between your community and the team. Listen to their concerns and ask them for feedback. The manager does this while keeping team members informed about project updates.

4. Maintaining Harmony: Moderation and Community Growth

The conductor also ensures a smooth performance. This involves:

  1. Discussion Moderation: Moderating an event involves taking care of both sides’ conversations. Act as a neutral participant in a discussion and maintain a respectful and productive environment. Guide participants about the code and conduct of the debate, such as timing, topic relevancy, etc. Address their issues and remove unnecessary content.
  2. Greet Newcomers: Welcome new members of the community with respect and excitement. Actively engage with them and answer their queries. Introduce them to the rest of the community and integrate them within the community space.

5. Expanding the Orchestra: Attracting New Members

Finally, a community manager understands the importance of growing the audience. They actively work to:

  1. Identify Potential Members: Targeting individuals interested in blockchain technology and the specific project.
  2. Formulate growth strategies: Use your creativity to develop growth strategies and take new initiatives to attract more people to the community. By using these common skills, Blockchain community managers can help their community. They are like catalysts for building an online Blockchain community.

This passion is the spark that ignites the community, creating a sense of shared purpose and driving the collective spirit forward.

Skills And Qualities Required: Blockchain Community Maestro

Not every ordinary person can conduct a symphony orchestra, right? The same goes for the Blockchain community manager. So, what skills make you an ideal candidate for this specific role? 

For this, you need to familiarize yourself with :

Here’s the musical score for success:

A. Technical Fluency

A blockchain community manager doesn’t need to be a code wizard, but a solid understanding of the technology is crucial.

  1. Basic Blockchain Concept: Learn about core blockchain concepts to educate yourself before leading the community. Research topics like basic cryptocurrency, distributed ledgers, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, etc.
  2. Project Details: Deep knowledge about the project you are getting into, its uses, benefits, and appearances, and complete information about the project, helps make long-term decisions.

Knowing about these key aspects allows community managers to answer community doubts confidently. Also, converting complex technical content into simple language helps make the project comprehensive.

B. Communication & Engagement Skills

Communication is one of the most required skills in any workspace to boost productivity. The power to connect with people from around the globe is essential. A blockchain community manager should be good at communication so that they can:

  1. Engage with a broader audience: learn their communication style to handle the technicalities and cater to experts and newcomers alike.
  2. Foster relationships; build trust and confidence with community members, developing a sense of belonging. Encourage the active participation of the members to boost their confidence and engage with them constantly to build a stronger relationship.
  3. Exciting Discussions: Engage in deep and meaningful conversations with the community, asking them sharp-witted questions. Ensure that the community is buzzing with intellectual curiosity so it doesn’t lose interest.

Think of your community members as skilled artists and draw out the best in them. Keep organizing creative contests to boost community morale and increase efficiency.

C. Content Creation

The Blockchain space is gradually evolving, and community managers must follow a storytelling approach. The must-know how to:

  1. Create Content: Use your ability and creativity to craft informative and engaging content. The content could be in any format, including social media updates, blog posts, videos, or infographics.
  2. Stay Updated: Stay current with industry news and updates, translating complex concepts into easily updatable formats.

Imagine them as a creative individual writing unique content to educate and inspire the community.

D. Mastering Social Media

The virtual world is a stage for the Blockchain community. A thriving Community  manager needs to be a social media maestro with expertise in the following:

  1. Major Social Media Platforms: Understanding the importance of social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, telegram, credit, and discord. Knowing how to use these platforms efficiently to stay connected and share ideas can boost the reach of the community.
  2. Community Management: Practice effective techniques for online engagement and attracting new audiences to grow community presence.

Education for Blockchain Community Managers

An ideal community manager should always be learning and evolving. Here is how you can make your path to success and become a master of the digital Blockchain community

  1. Utilize Educational resources

A solid educational foundation is necessary to manage a Blockchain community. Uncover the resources given below to deeply understand blockchain technology and its community management.

  1. Blockchain Courses: There are plenty of e-learning platforms, like edX, Udemy, and Coursera, that offer multiple online courses. These platforms offer beginner—to advanced-level courses on blockchain technology and related fields.
  2. Build A Solid Online Presence: Build a strong online presence to foster trust among community members.
  3. Join Existing Groups and Communities: Utilize platforms like Reddit and Telegram to connect.
  4. Community Management Certifications: To learn higher-level community management, consider taking certification courses from well-known organizations like social bakers and Hootsuite.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, the ideal blockchain community manager is a multi-talented individual. They possess technical fluency, communication magic, content creation skills, social media expertise, and, most importantly, a genuine passion for blockchain technology and building vibrant online communities. With this symphony of skills, they become the conductor of a thriving online orchestra, fostering a space for collaboration, innovation, and the future of blockchain.

Stay tuned with the Blockchains for more updates on the relevant topics regarding Blockchain technology.

People Also Asked For:

Q.1- What does a Blockchain Community Manager do?

Ans: Blockchain Community Managers are the glue that connects virtual communities around blockchain projects. They manage extensive tasks, from building and managing online forums to creating engaging content. Their job does not end here; they also organize events and promote communications between community members and the project team. Essentially, they ensure a thriving and engaged online space. 

Q.2- What skills do I need to be a Blockchain Community Manager?

Ans: Success requires a multi-faceted skillset:

  • Technical knowledge: Understanding blockchain fundamentals is crucial.
  • Communication & Engagement: Strong communication skills and building relationships are essential.
  • Content Creation: Craft engaging content (text, video, infographics) to educate and inform the community.

Social Media Expertise: Navigate social media platforms and implement effective community management strategies.

Passion & Enthusiasm: Genuine interest in blockchain and a desire to build a thriving community is key. 

Q.3- How can I become a Blockchain Community Manager?

Ans: Build your skillset through:

  • Online Courses: Learn about blockchain technology and community management.
  • Join Online Communities: Participate in discussions and establish yourself as a knowledgeable member.
  • Network: Connect with other community managers and industry professionals. 

Develop Content Creation Skills by Starting a blog, contributing to forums, or creating videos to refine your communication.

Q.4- Where can I find jobs for Blockchain Community Managers?

Ans: Explore job boards like:

  • Web3 Career
  • General job boards with “Blockchain Community Manager” filters. 

Q.5- What are the benefits of becoming a Blockchain Community Manager?

Ans: Benefits include:

  • Be at the forefront of innovation: Work in a rapidly growing and exciting industry.
  • Make a real impact: Foster a thriving community and contribute to project success.
  • Develop valuable skills: Hone your communication, content creation, and community management expertise.

Network with industry leaders: Connect with other passionate individuals in the blockchain space. 

Q.6- What are the challenges of becoming a Blockchain Community Manager?

Ans: The blockchain community faces various challenges. These Challenges include:

  • Fast-Paced Industry: Keeping up with the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.
  • Managing Diverse Communities: Catering to members with varying technical backgrounds.
  • Moderating Online Discussions: Maintaining a positive and productive community environment.