Blockchain 4.0
Blockchain 4.0: How It Differs From Previous Generations?

Blockchain technology has been swiftly making a mark as a transformative force in various industries…

Central Bank Digital Currencies
The Technical Foundation Behind Central Bank Digital Currencies

Hello there, Blockchain geeks! How are you all doing? Since we didn't publish much last…

Cardano vs Solana
Cardano vs Solana: History, Key Differences, Similarities & Market Price

Welcome back, all crypto enthusiasts! How are you all guys doing? All good!  Well, that’s…

Rise and Downfall of Bored Ape Yacht Club
Rise and Downfall of Bored Ape Yacht Club: An Interesting Story!

As a blockchain enthusiast, you might have once heard of Bored Ape Yacht Club (popularly…

What is Solidity Language
What is Solidity Language? Everything You Need to Know

Over the past decade, the blockchain ecosystem has gained popularity, resulting in its rapid evolution.…

AI and Blockchain
Securing and Optimizing Healthcare with AI and Blockchain

Hello Blockchain Geeks! How are you all doing?  It's been a long since we last…

Non-Fungible Tokens
12 Strategies to Promote Non-Fungible Tokens for Free

In the rapidly evolving world of digital assets, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have emerged as a…

Consensus mechanism in Quorums
Understanding Consensus Mechanism in Quorums: Raft vs. IBFT

What happens when you're signing a contract in real life? Generally, it would help if…

Smart Contracts & Legal Enforceability
Smart Contracts & Legal Enforceability: Can Code Be Law?

Hey folks! Do you want to learn about one of the most revolutionary tools for…

Avalanche vs Ethereum
Avalanche vs. Ethereum: A Comparison of Consensus Protocols 

Greetings, dear readers! From the previous web blogs on Blockchain Technology, we have established that…