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Where to Report Crypto Scams & How to Stay Safe in Each Situation?

As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to soar worldwide, unfortunately, so does the prevalence of scams associated with them. In 2023 alone, an alarming $24.2 billion was involved in crypto scams, though this marked a significant drop from the $39.6 billion reported in 2022.

Nevertheless, crypto scams still remain a serious concern within the blockchain community. Crypto scams are of various forms, and scammers employ numerous tactics to swindle money from unsuspecting investors and enthusiasts.

In today’s blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the topic of crypto scams, offering you the necessary information so that you can navigate the world of cryptocurrencies safely and confidently. The question ‘Where to report crypto scams’ is the most frequently asked question by crypto investors and the general public. Considering the demand for an answer to this question, we’ve compiled this detailed blog post.

Before answering the question of where to report crypto scams, let’s first discuss the common categories of crypto scams that you may encounter.

Categories of Crypto Scams

Crypto scams can fall into two categories.

Phishing Scams

Making fraudulent attempts to obtain cryptocurrency and other sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, and private keys, by posing as a trustworthy entity comes under the category of Phishing Scams. These types of scams can occur through fake websites, emails, or messages that mimic legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers. Moreover, unsuspecting victims may unknowingly disclose their credentials, leading to unauthorized access to their accounts and loss of funds.  

Ponzi Schemes

Compared to Phishing Scams, Ponzi Schemes aims to steal only money, not personal information & data. Ponzi schemes are fraudulent schemes that promise high returns on investment to new investors. However, upon obtaining the money from new investors. They disappear with investor’s money, leaving many victims with significant financial losses. In the past few years, Ponzi Schemes have become one of the significant crime issues in many areas.

Why Payments in Cryptocurrency Are Risky?

Before going further, let’s explain why cryptocurrency payments are risky. This also serves as a reason why scammers often demand cryptocurrency payments.

Once You Pay with The Cryptocurrency, It’s Difficult to Get it Back

Cryptocurrencies are a secure and transparent digital currency, which are typically not reversible. Once you or some other person (scammer) pay with cryptocurrency, there is no chance of getting it returned.

No Legal Protections in Cryptocurrency Payments

As you may know, legal protections are available on credit and debit cards. However, there isn’t anything like this when it comes to cryptocurrency payments. 

Cryptocurrency Transactions are Available in Public (Majorly)

Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a decentralized and public digital ledger called Blockchain.

Blockchain eliminates the need for a middleman by facilitating secure cryptocurrency transactions on its own.

Typically, Blockchain has four types: Public, Private, Hybrid, and consortium. However, most blockchain platforms, including Bitcoin, fall under the public category. In Public Blockchains, anyone can easily read cryptocurrency transactions, offering a permissionless ledger system.

These are the reasons most scammers demand cryptocurrency payments. They are aware that cryptocurrency payments don’t have any legal protection, and once a transaction is completed, no one can demand it back.

Common Situations Where You Might Encounter Crypto Scams & Tips on How to Avoid Them

1. Social Media Scams

Scammers may impersonate famous influencers, reputable organizations, and even famous celebrities on social media. After connecting with you, they may offer fake giveaways or investment opportunities.

How to Avoid?

Verify the authenticity of the account.

Avoid making an investment in the form of cryptocurrency to an unknown address.

2. Phishing Emails

Many people have become victims of this. You may receive fraudulent emails (mimicking legitimate exchanges or wallet services) asking for login credentials or private keys.

How to Avoid?

Double-check the sender’s email address.

Avoid clicking on suspicious links

Prioritize not sharing private keys or passwords via email at any cost.

3. Fake Websites

There are thousands of fake websites created by scammers on the internet. These websites look identical to legitimate cryptocurrency platforms, making you believe in their services. However, their only aim is to steal your login information from any reputable platform.

How to Avoid?

Check the URL for accuracy & look for HTTPS

Bookmark official websites to avoid phishing sites.

4. Fake ICOs

Before going ahead, let us first explain what ICOs exactly are. 

An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a fundraising method used by blockchain projects to raise capital. In an ICO, a company (most probably a startup) issues digital coins and sells them to investors in exchange for cryptocurrency (typically Bitcoin or Ethereum).

Now, you might have a question in mind: How do investors earn profit by buying newly established coins?

Well, read this:

If the project gains traction and the demand for its tokens increases, the price of the coin may rise over time. This way, investors can earn profit.

However, investing in ICOs carries inherent risks, including getting scammed.

ICOs are largely unregulated, and many projects may turn out to be scams. But that doesn’t mean ICO investments are not worth it. There are various ICO projects that have become leading players in their industry.

How to Avoid?

Conduct thorough research on the project and team before investing.

Read the whitepaper carefully to get deep insights into the project.

Where to Report Crypto Scams and How?

On getting scammed, you may lose patience and mind, which is humanly normal. But you should prefer staying calm and composed. Don’t rush here and there to find a solution to this crypto scam. Also, reach out to close friends, family, or fellow investors to share your feelings.

Before reporting a crypto scam, consider documenting the incident, as the scammer may erase some significant evidence. So, don’t wait much.

  1. Take screenshots of all chats with scammers, transactions, or other necessary evidence.
  2. Preserve the email address, website URL, and IP address of the scammer.
  3. Consider crafting timelines of events (including time & date) with the scammer.

Now, let’s answer your common question, ‘Where to report a crypto scam.’

After gathering all the important evidence, consider reporting the scam incident to the main authority in your area. Every nation has its own government body that looks after these kinds of crypto scams. You can also reach out to the police department to report a cryptocurrency scam. They may also guide you through the next steps.

If you don’t want to become involved in these complexities, consider reporting directly to your area’s financial regulatory bodies.

Here are regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing cryptocurrencies and combating scams in nine countries where cryptocurrencies are prevalent.

1. United States

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center

2. United Kingdom

Action Fraud

3. Canada

Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre

4. Australia

Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)

5. Japan

Cybercrime Center of Japanese Police Department

6. South Korea

No Permanent Crypto Regulation Unit, So Contact Nearby Police

7. Germany

Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)  

8. Switzerland

Swiss National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

9. India

National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) or Local Police Station

These regulatory bodies play crucial roles in overseeing cryptocurrency-related activities within their jurisdictions.


This blog post titled ‘Where to Report Crypto Scams & How to Stay Safe in Each Situation?’ aims to offer details to your FAQ. In the past few years, crypto scams have emerged as one of the significant problems in the world of Blockchain. These scams aren’t only affecting the financial conditions of their victims (investors) but also lowering the general public’s trust and confidence in cryptocurrency. The blog post kicked off with an explanation of the categories of crypto scams,

  • Phishing Scams
  • Ponzi Schemes

Phishing Scams attempt to steal money and personal information, whereas Ponzi Schemes aim to attack only money.

Then, you’ll read three reasons why scammers prefer to demand payments in cryptocurrency. It is essential to read this section carefully in order to understand it deeply.

After this, there is a section that unravels the common situations where one may face crypto scams.

  • Social Media Scams
  • Phishing Emails
  • Fake Websites
  • Fake ICOs

In addition, we’ve also mentioned essential safety tips to avoid this scam.

At last, we address the question many of you might be waiting for: Where to report crypto scams? We’ve mentioned the regulatory financial bodies (for crypto scams) of nine countries where cryptocurrencies are prevalent, and crypto scams are common, too.

With this, this blog post ends here. Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for more detailed blog posts on blockchain-related topics.

People Also Ask:

Q-1. Where to Report Crypto Scams?

Ans: To report cryptocurrency scams, consider contacting your nation’s official financial regulatory body or the local police department. They may guide you through the process.

Q-2. How to Avoid Crypto Scams?

Ans: Cryptocurrency scams have become so common in today’s modern world. Avoid crypto scams by using reputable exchanges, enabling two-factor authentication, verifying URLs, being cautious of fake messages, and never sharing private keys.

Q-3. How to Report Crypto Scams in the US?

Ans: Contact financial regulatory bodies to report crypto scams in the US. Contact the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), the SEC, or the CFTC. Also, provide detailed information about the scam.

Q-4. How to Report Crypto Scams in the UK?

Ans: Action Fraud is the UK’s leading national trusted center for cybercrime. Report your scam incident to Action Fraud, and you’ll definitely find a solution.

Q-5. Can I Recover Funds from Crypto Scams?

Ans: Cryptocurrencies aren’t reversible. Once a transaction is made from your account, you cannot get the money back until the receiving account pays you back (which isn’t possible in the case of a crypto scam). Thus, the scam should be reported immediately to the authorities.